Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!!!

It's been a long time since my last post. I'll try to post more often. I'll even try to fill in the missing months. (Hoping that if I publish my intention, I might follow through.)

We (Mom, Michael, Burke and I) were in California this holiday season. I got to see my brothers and lots and lots of cousins. Thanks to Manny, Tita Hermie, Tito Bobby and family for driving up from LA!!! See our pictures…

Just got back the results of my last scan (Friday). The tumor is almost exactly the same. Stopping it dead in is tracks is not a bad result.

So I’ve got 2 options. 1) Continue with my chemo as it is and 2) Change to a maintenance pill that has shown promising results. I’m still researching and before deciding. Either way, it’s a gamble. I don’t know how long the current treatment will be effective. (Honestly, I don’t want to go back to chemo.) But the new pill is very new. Plus side effect is bad acne (REALLY BAD).

It's a tough decision...

That's pretty much where I am right now... Thanks for all your prayers. That means a lot to me and my family.