The first couple of days, I couldn't even find my shoes. I was going to work in my slippers. At least, Kel had his sandals. He dressed them up with socks hoping no one would notice. Well, it is summer. And for the next couple of weeks, it was a mad hunt for the little things. We couldn't find the rice cooker - take note: it had cooked rice in it. It took two days of opening boxes and life-size Tetris to find it. It wasn't edible when we did, but at least it didn't stink - yet - too much. I couldn't find our pool passess either. (Found them the Monday after the pools closed for the summer. Bummer!)
Little by little, we got things organized. I lost about 10 pounds just hauling stuff up and down those stairs. Don't worry, I gained them back. (sigh).
For a litte while, we didn't have TV. The cable guy came and hooked us up only to find that he only hooked up the basement. Kel had to figure out how the wiring went up to the living room. Now, we're truly hooked up.
I miss the days that we didn't have TV. I thought Burke would drive us bonkers but she found ways to entertain herself. We played board games or her toys (we love Magnetix - it's something we all play). I actually got things done around the house (Well, I don't think I could have lasted so long going to work in my slippers). More on this in a later article...
My proudest achievement was painting Burke's room. (Now I know why they call it painting - it's such a PAIN!) Early on, I asked her what color she wanted. "Rainbow!!!" was the enthusiastic answer. After thinking about it for some time, I knew I didn't want to sign up to do a mural in her room. I negotiated with rainbow polka-dots. It was truly worth the effort. (That is staying up there until she can paint over it herself.)
We're still settling in. The basement is still a mess. (That's one of the reasons why I can't host my house-warming yet since that's the only way to the backyard.) The couch isn't here yet. We have yet to figure out our daily routines and just how to live in our house. We've got time.
1 comment:
Congrats on getting the house Xenia! Wish you all the best.
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