Monday, April 26, 2010

April 27 - noon - Naudlot - No mall :-(

When the doctor told me yesterday that I had no medications to take today, we made plans with our friends to go to the mall for lunch (dimsum).  I was soooooooo looking forward to it! 
As I stepped out of my room, my nurse said, "No!  You have CIC (Immunotherapy) infusion.  That will take an hour."  I was so pissed because I was in my room all morning.
So, since our friend's daughter was already at the mall (we were to meet at noon), I had Mom go with our friend.
Lesson:  If you want to go out, make sure your doctor and your nurse say it really is OK and you have no scheduled meds.
By the way, aside from the IV (cultured blood they took from me), they injected me in the rear.  (Oo, sa pwet.)

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